Parent Info

Find your answers below!

  • Our preschool teachers prepare monthly lesson plans using the categories of math/manipulative; language/literacy; science/sensory; dramatic play; social studies and creative art. We also consider the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards. Each classroom offers child and teacher led activities in small and large groups.
  • We use Catholic ABC’s to help bring the Catholic faith into our curriculum.
  • Our preschool teachers use a wide variety of materials to implement classroom curriculum and activities. These include, but are not limited to library books, listening centers, shared games, puzzles, manipulatives, dramatic play materials, puppets, blocks and accessories, and creative art materials.
  • Religious principles are introduced in each classroom through Catholic and Christian prayer, stories, discovery and discussion. A monthly prayer service will take place in the church.

Yes we do have a special designated playground.

Children must bring their lunch.  Lunch should include healthy choices such as, fruit, vegetables, cheese, meat or sandwich.  Please no sweets or juice. We encourage children to open containers and packages, but we will help if necessary.  We will provide water for lunch and throughout the day.

We believe that part of the educational experience is learning about proper nutrition. Eating lunch at school is a great opportunity to reinforce this concept. Help us by always sending healthy foods for lunch. We follow the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for foods that are potential choking hazards. Food that is a choking hazard will be returned home. 

Please note: Foods requiring cutting or other preparation must be completed at home. Teachers do not have adequate time to prepare lunch items. Please remember to include disposable spoons when necessary.

Our Pre-school consists of children aged 2-5 and they are the playmates of your children.

During the school day, teachers will report any suspected illness, including fever, but not limited to, green or thick mucus, from mouth nose or eyes, excessive coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, to the administration. We will then use the primary phone number provided by you and ask that make arrangements to pick up your child.

Early afternoon pick-up:

Please send a note to your child’s teacher, telling them who is picking up your child and the time they will be arriving. If you need to pick up early, please do so before 1:00pm.

Late afternoon pick-up:

Afternoon pick-up begins at 12:45. Upon completion, the staff will take any remaining children back to their classroom. If you are running late, a phone call will help relieve your child’s anxiety and also notify us of your anticipated arrival time. Please call to notify us. Once at school, please park and call the Preschool Office, 470-550-1088. Let us know you are outside and then walk to the doors. We will then bring your child to you.

  • Please make every effort to be on time for drop off and pick. If you are going to be late, you will need to call the Preschool Office at 470-550-1088 to notify the staff.
  • If your child is going home with another family, or someone not on your typical pick-up list, please call or email our office or send a note to the teacher. You should notify us of a change no later than 30 minutes before dismissal at 12:45pm. We cannot accept change of transportation plans conveyed to us by children or other adults.
  • When someone other than the usual driver is picking up your child, send us a note, and please be certain they understand the carpool procedures and will be prepared to show their ID to a teacher.

Conference may be scheduled at any time for any reason by parent, teacher or director.
All parents of Pre-K children will have the option for a scheduled face to face conference (if allowed at that time) with their child’s teacher in November. Conference is a valuable tool for parent, teachers and directors to discuss progress and concerns about your child.

First Day of School: August 1, 2023

Last Day of School, May 10, 2024                              

School hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 12:45pm

Drop off: 9am ending promptly at 9:15

Pick-up: 12:50pm – 1pm 

Come And Visit Us